
Thursday, April 22, 2010

2010 Events

2010 Events

July:Troyer Draft horse auction 9th-10th
JULY 17th Ride n Drive in Oxford
July 25th San Ignacious Parade registration 9am @ High School
July 30th San Juan County Fair Parade 7pm
July 31st Fiesta Days Parade 10am Durango, plus don't miss the Chuckwagon Cook-off, tickets available from The COOP for $15

Aug:8th Ride and Drive/ Meeting/ Pot luck @ Alisha's/ Pastorus Lake, we will be staging at 9am, driving at 10am, back to lake around 12:00 for a pot luck lunch followed by the meeting at 1:00

Sept:Ride and Drive/ labor Day ?? Any Idea's contact Bob Cooper @ 749-5133
Bayfield Heritage Days 24th-26th

Oct:Cascade Lodge Ride and drive 8th -11th
Troyer Draft Horse auction 1st-2nd
Cowboy Poetry Parade Sat. the 2nd

Nov:Western Movement, Bayfield Nov 17th

Dec:Christmas Party

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Four States Ag Expo

Thanks to all of the members who came to help out at the Expo and to all of our sponsors. We couldn't have done it without you. We had 4 teams show up to work the shuttles and a great turn out for the parade on Saturday!